Pancake Day is Coming!

So, you don’t want to fall of the healthy train this pancake day but don’t want to miss out either? I have the perfect help package for you :-). Thanks to the Women’s Health magazine, which I buy religiously every month. They have given a really useful guide so I am going to share this with you now…


1) Numbers 1-3 are your base
Flour can make your blood sugar levels spike and so these are some healthier alternatives.
For 6 pancakes:
Mash 250g sweet potato or banana with 150g rice flour
Mix this with 300ml almond milk
+ 2 eggs and 25g flax seeds for protein and an omega-3 hit

2) Numbers 4-6 are your fillings
Instead of the sweet Nutellas, white chocolate sauces and processed white sugary jam. Use 70% dark chocolate melt it and add ground hazelnuts. Instead of using jam why not soak chia seeds in apple juice for 1 hour and then blend it with fresh berries for your own simple and much healthier jam. Or fancy something savoury? Feta cheese and beetroot is a great choice.

3) Numbers 7-9 are your cooking oils
These oils are lower in saturated fat. Coconut oil, although high in saturated fat is easier to digest, good for your hair and nails and isn’t stored in the body as fat.

4) Numbers 10-12 are your toppings
Avoid golden syrup instead use maple syrup as it is a natural sweetener. Instead of ice cream mix yoghurt with berries and freeze or for a savoury dressing mix yoghurt with spinach and lemon.

Delicious!! Don’t forget to send me your pics on pancake day! xXx